úterý 6. listopadu 2012

First half of Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Článek tentokrát v angličtině :)

I sympathize with Tess. She was just a pure maiden, kid who should enjoy her life (within the confines of the age - 19th century) but suddenly comes unexpected news and with it a lot of changes.
Tess’s father Mr. Durbeyfield aka a drunkard and Tess’s mother Mrs. Durbeyfield took an opportunity and sent her to the house of d’Urbervilles which was for a young and beautiful lady a nightmare (Alec and everything). Then she met ‘her angel’ Angel (maybe).

In my opinion Mr. Durbeyfield is inattentive of his family and Mrs. Durbeyfield is too
attentive – or is it just a care of their family? Anyway, these two people are not my favorite characters (of this story) at all.

Alec d’Urberville – I thought he is a normal guy first. But then I turned my opinion about him. I did not like his creepy behavior (but who did).

Angel Clare looks like a nice young man. Years changed him. He is more deliberate but sometimes his insistence on Tess’s ‘yes’ was too much. Tess did not tell the ‘whole truth’ about herself (in the meantime) so I wonder what will happen if Angel will find out the truth.

Tess Durbeyfield is struck by her history. She tries to forget but it is stronger than her. I am curious about her next life.

I had concerns about this book but I should say this story is gripping. I admit there were a weaker moments but it is suspenseful. 

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